Our proposal was accepted by over 60 voting country government representative official delegates at the recent United Nations COP23, and COP 24 Katowice, Poland as being uniquely able could actually deliver of us, (yes all of us) from runaway devastating climate change!
Our aim is to provide the world with a workable climate solution to stop runaway climate change
COP29 Ambition Scenario: Rolling back the Tide of Runaway Climate Change. Lets get serious about the climate and get a grip on it.
We, are a part of the Green Economics Institute, an official RINGO of the COP, and after speaking to delegates of over 50 countries at the COP23, we calculated that 2 tonnes of carbon by 2022 was the the optimal solution and zero carbon by 2025.This would not involve carbon trading – it would be a person person quota per year with all corporate spending coming from individuals choices of which is the most carbon friendly and socially just supplier. However the world has not taken up this quick win opportunity and now we need to work harder to try to sort out climate change and its impacts.
In order to operationalize the Paris Agreement successfully, the solution unofficially supported by over 50 nations at COP25 appeared to be the following:
We calculated that we needed to achieve an annual average usage of 2 tonnes of carbon per person per year by 2022, based on the following data.
– NASA data was showing 0.99 degrees of warming. Today in 2022 its 1.2 degrees.
– Paris COP21 would actually deliver 3.2 degrees of warming.
– The Paris COP21 ambition is 1.5 degrees.
– Actual INDC delivery COP21 is 3.2.
Approximately 36 gigatons divided by 7.6Billion (human population) = average 4.9 tonnes of carbon usage per person per year TODAY. Therefore, today’s average carbon dioxide usage per person is 4.9 carbon (2019).
All the data and all the accumulating extreme climate events indicate that this is a disaster. As an academic institute, you know and we know that this is a disaster unfolding before our eyes. The world is looking to us at COP27 to solve this problem.
All prediction models appear to be correct but they are too slow- it is happening even faster.
Our proposal is therefore: immediately ratchet down to 2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON AS AN AMBITION OF COP23, COP24 and COP25, COP26 and now COP27. (Just as 1.5 was an ambition of COP21 and has become the lingua franca.) All states with below 2 tonnes per person per year would then take a global leadership role.
This proposal clearly appears to have serious traction and support from representatives and delegates from nearly 50 nations, and will satisfy, reassure and save the people whose lives and livelihoods are at risk and already suffering. We cannot fiddle while the world burns.
The world’s population, particularly the young, the small island states, and African nations, did not thank us for not ensuring an actual solution at COP27.
Therefore, we wanted at COP27 Sharm El Sheikh, to consider the following ambition:
2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON BY 2025 to deliver just under 1.5 degrees of warming. Moving to Zero Carbon ( actual Zero Carbon by 2028)
Globally, in our scenario, in 202,5 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide x 7.6 billion humans = 15.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide, which appears to deliver a much better prospect for humanity- even better than the Paris Agreement.
Approximately 36 gigatons divided by 7.6Billion (human population) = average 4.9 tonnes of carbon usage per person per year TODAY. Therefore, today’s average carbon dioxide usage per person is 4.9 carbon (2022).
All the data and all the accumulating extreme climate events indicate that this is a disaster. As an academic institute, you know and we know that this is a disaster unfolding before our eyes. The world is looking to us at COP29 to solve this problem.
All prediction models appear to be correct but they are too slow- it is happening even faster. We are now experiencing what the predictions said would happen.
Our proposal is therefore: immediately ratchet down to 2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON AS AN AMBITION OF COP23, COP24 and COP25, COP26, COP27, COP28 and COP 29. (Just as 1.5 was an ambition of COP21 and has become the lingua franca.) All states with below 2 tonnes per person per year would then take a global leadership role.
This proposal clearly appears to have serious traction and support from representatives and delegates from nearly 50 nations, and will satisfy, reassure and save the people whose lives and livelihoods are at risk and already suffering. We cannot fiddle while the world burns.
The world’s population, particularly the young, the small island states, and African nations, will not thank us for not ensuring an actual solution at COP29
Therefore, we would like COP27, to consider the following ambition:
2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON per year as soon as possible will deliver just under 1.5 degrees of warming. Moving to Zero Carbon ( actual Zero Carbon by 2030)
Globally, in our scenario, , 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide x 7.6 billion humans = 15.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide, which appears to deliver a much better prospect for humanity- even better than the Paris Agreement.
Our scenario appears to deliver just under 1.5 degrees of warming (since 1880).

Approximately 36 gigatons divided by 7.6Billion (human population) = average 4.9 tonnes of carbon usage per person per year TODAY. Therefore, today’s average carbon dioxide usage per person is 4.9 carbon (2019).
All the data and all the accumulating extreme climate events indicate that this is a disaster. As an academic institute, you know and we know that this is a disaster unfolding before our eyes. The world is looking to us at COP27 to solve this problem.
All prediction models appear to be correct but they are too slow- it is happening even faster.
Our proposal is therefore: immediately ratchet down to 2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON AS AN AMBITION OF COP23, COP24 and now COP27. (Just as 1.5 was an ambition of COP21 and has become the lingua franca.) All states with below 2 tonnes per person per year would then take a global leadership role.
This proposal clearly appears to have serious traction and support from representatives and delegates from nearly 50 nations, and will satisfy, reassure and save the people whose lives and livelihoods are at risk and already suffering. We cannot fiddle while the world burns.
The world’s population, particularly the young, the small island states, and African nations, will not thank us for not ensuring an actual solution at COP27.
Therefore, we would like COP27 to consider the following ambition:
2 TONNES OF CARBON PER PERSON will deliver just under 1.5 degrees of warming. Moving to Zero Carbon ( actual Zero Carbon by 2027)
Globally, in our scenario, 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide x 7.6 billion humans = 15.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide, which appears to deliver a much better prospect for humanity- even better than the Paris Agreement.